Source changelog:
- September security patch
- Updated translations
- Fixed safetynet
- Others fixes
Device changelog:
- Major improvements over kernel and HWUI
- Minor cleanup over rootdir, proprietary-files and overlays
- Minor improvements over audio, bluetooth and WiFi (WCNSS)
- Update blobs, power profile and vendor security patch to MIUI V12.5.1.0 from pine (QCMCNXM) and olive (QCNMIXM)
- Update pinner and brightness overlays from redfin
- Update kernel boot image header to 1 and compile kernel with EvaGCC
- Update kernel to 4.9.282 and LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-04800-89xx.0
- Update WiFi prima drivers to LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-04800-89xx.0
NOTE: Due to bugs, App lock has been removed from plus version, the function may return in near future.